Wednesday 16 January 2019

5 Ways to Minimize wastage in your marriage

Weddings are one of the biggest event one throws in their life. Most weddings generate a lot of wastage. This even harms our wallet drastically. This can be reduced in the following ways:

1. E-invites


Printing out traditional invitation cards creates a lot of wastage as it cannot be used again. Minimising printed cards and sending out e-invites or online invitation can reduce the usage of cards drastically.

2. Gifts

Source: Shutterstock

Most of the gifts we receive are Decorative, cutlery, etc. which are generally just re-gifted. To reduce this you can opt for wedding gift registry, where you can create a list of gifts you want. Your guests can either sponsor your desired gift or pool in money for the same. This reduces the duplication and wastage of gifts.

3. Wedding decorations

Source: Shutterstock

People spend a lot on their wedding decorations. Most of the decor is done using plastic flowers, thermocol and Styrofoam name board, etc. Instead, opt for natural flowers and cloth as it will help in reducing a lot of wastage and it is also Eco-friendly.

Consider an outdoor venue as it can add a beautiful ambiance and reduce decorations and electricity.

4. Cutlery

Source: Shutterstock

Most of the traditional Indian wedding use banana leave or melamine plates, but to accompany them plastic or paper cups and glasses are used. Steel or melamine cups and glasses can be used after being hygienically cleaned to reduce wastage.

5. Food

Source: Shutterstock

Food is the most common item to be wasted at any wedding, crashing one’s wallet. Consider preparing food for only 75% guests as not everyone shows up and not everyone eats to their full. Serving small quantities of food can reduce wastage up to some extent. However, if you have excess food, you can give it away to an orphanage or poverty homes which would be a treat to them.


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